Search Results: RGi (3575)

Just because Juan Zarate no longer directly works in the federal government doesn’t mean he’s not making his voice heard in national security issues. Zarate,…

When President Barack Obama’s team first moved into the White House back in 2009, they encountered one of their biggest challenges almost immediately. The team,…

Jack Bienko is simply a businessman who builds and connects.  As a current Presidential Management Fellow at U.S. Small Business Association (SBA), Bienko and his team…

With over 30 years of leadership skill and experience, Paul Leslie is an executive worth knowing.  As of 2010, Leslie founded Sydalco Consulting and currently…

Reggie Aggarwal is simply a leader.  As the founder and CEO of Cvent, a CRM software company, Aggarwal has a long history of demonstrating his…