Search Results: Professional Services Council (500)

There’s no doubt artificial intelligence has moved from the realm of science fiction to bonafide disruptive technology. But don’t expect humanoid robots anytime soon. The…

It’s no secret: America is under attack online every day. Organizations of all sizes get bombarded with digital threats 24/7, and the velocity and volume…

A self-described “common-sense Midwest girl,” Kristi Rogers has made a name for herself as a startup guru. Now, she’s working to help other CEOs, politicians…

Experience: one of the most valuable things to have as a cybersecurity professional, and one of the hardest things to get. Hands-on experience—not formal education…

Tackling complex business challenges on a daily basis takes ingenuity, a willingness to think outside of the box, and not only listen but ask questions. …

WashingtonExec last month hosted its second GovCon Executive Happy Hour of the summer at Maggiano’s in Tysons Corner, sponsored by Indrasoft and the Eliassen Group. The…