Search Results: northrop grumman (456)

[powerkit_button size=”lg” style=”primary” block=”false” url=”” target=”_self” nofollow=”false”] View Slideshow [/powerkit_button] Executives responsible for environmental, social and governance aspects play a critical role in ensuring their…

[powerkit_button size=”lg” style=”primary” block=”false” url=”″ target=”_self” nofollow=”false”] View Top Space Execs [/powerkit_button] Space exploration is soaring to new heights. In 2023, Congress allocated $25.4 billion…

The cyberthreat landscape is constantly evolving — creating new challenges, expanding vulnerabilities and resulting in more sophisticated hacks and breaches. Government and industry alike are…

In a competitive government contracting market, it’s the people behind the solutions, capabilities and services who power the IT transformations of tomorrow. The mission-oriented companies…

For WashingtonExec’s Top Business Development Execs to Watch in 2022, we identified the best of the best in leading proposal and capture teams to success, understanding federal contract needs and government missions, steering companies towards year-over-year growth and more.