2012 is fast approaching, and with it comes big changes in the Federal IT industry. WashingtonExec is giving local executives the opportu nity to share their thoughts on where they see the government contracting industry headed.
WashingtonExec asked Bob Dinkel, Managing Partner of Pierce Capital Partners, for his two cents regarding government contracting in 2012.
What will next year hold for Government Contracting?
Bob Dinkel: I see a growing oversight and performance reporting trend which makes doing business a pretty steep hill for small businesses and a real deterrent to those wanting to enter the govt contracting sector. Having in-place contracting vehicles will be a big advantage for those firms committed to the long haul.
More M&A Activity?
Bob Dinkel: Without a doubt! We are seeing consolidation and active interest on all levels. From acquisitions based on a ‘desired’ contract vehicle to firms merging to expand their solution set offerings to an existing customer base.
More IT budget cuts?
I’m told everything is on the table, and expect to see the tech sector focus on becoming more efficient with less budget. Data Center Consolidations, Shared Services, etc
What shape will collaboration take between industry and government in addressing tough issues?
Bob Dinkel: Industry is all for understanding the needs of Government and in turn apply proven solutions. I’m seeing an under-current from Congress that less direct partnership is better. A recent agency briefing on the Vendor Management Offices initiative creates another hurtle for the contracting community to deal with. Expect the term ‘collaboration’ to take on a new meaning in the coming year.