Search Results: steven omick (33)

Amid international conflicts, an administration transition and shifting national priorities, contractors and government officials have navigated tricky terrains. But despite political changes and a changing…

In the fiercely competitive world of government contracting, it’s not just the technology and services that make a difference; it’s the people behind them. These…

Today’s mission-oriented firms serving federal agencies may vary in size and solutions, but they relate in strong financial leadership driven by missions and customer needs.…

In the fiercely competitive world of government contracting, it’s not just the technology and services that make a difference; it’s the people behind them. These…

For WashingtonExec’s Top Chief Financial Officers to Watch in 2023 list, we identified the best of the best in private companies putting long-term growth, strategy and profitability first, based on their accomplishments, impact on internal financial and operational goals, and vision for the near-term future — bringing exactly what the GovCon community needs to empower competition and success.