Buchanan and Edwards has been awarded contract to provide geospatial data and technology services to the Library of Congress.
The Geospatial Hosting Environment Support Services contract focuses on existing and future geospatial technology needs for the Library of Congress, and adds to B&E’s previous efforts to to modernize and streamline the library’s technology applications by helping the agency migrate its IT service management to ServiceNow’s cloud-based platform.
“This win is an honor and reflects our team’s success in providing ongoing support to the library’s infrastructure and technology modernization needs,” Buchanan & Edwards President and CEO Dennis Kelly said. “We are looking forward to continuing to expand the scope of services we are providing to the Library of Congress. Our goal is to remain a leading ServiceNow Management and Training provider and to grow our reputation within the geospatial hosting space.”
The GHE Support Services effort is a librarywide initiative to deliver a geospatial environment that enables members of Congress, congressional staff, library staff and library patrons to perform cost-conscious and effective digital mapping research and analysis with state-of-the-industry geospatial tools and services, using authoritative data.
Kelly recently spoke with WashingtonExec about his 2018 Market Outlook, discussing merger and acquisition activity, the long lead time for security clearances and the federal government’s commitment to addressing aging IT infrastructure. Sean Gleason, the company’s vice president for business development, also spoke recently with WashingtonExec, discussing the company’s focus on technology innovation and its expanded hiring efforts to recruit and hire military veterans.