CACI International has been awarded a $28.7 million task order to support the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s NexGen IT modernization program.
Under the new task order, awarded through the General Services Administration’s governmentwide Alliant acquisition vehicle, CACI will continue its previous work to develop and deploy a modern enterprisewide system for Air Force facilities management.
CACI will help the Air Force implement an agile development methodology to support the Air Force’s evolving business processes, one that will enable the accurate and timely reporting needed to meet standards for real property and financial auditing, the company said.
“CACI has a long history of successfully managing large, complex enterprise-wide software solutions for customers,” CACI Chief Operating Officer John Mengucci said. “Our intimate knowledge of the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, coupled with the software expertise of our team enables us to support the program from a holistic business process perspective.”
The task order covers a 19-month period, and will support the Air Force Lifecycle Management Center.
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