It was announced on September 22nd that Arlington, Va.-based Subsystem Technologies, Inc. (SUBSYSTEMs) was its second contract in the last 10 months in support of the Logistics Research and Engineering Directorate (LRED) for the Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC). This multi-million dollar contract will continue SUBSYSTEMs work to expand the logistics engineering support needed for ammunition and armament products and services.
Indra Nayee, Director of Defense Division said, “Leveraging our nearly 25-year partnership with ARDEC, SUBSYSTEMs will bring a wide range of domain knowledge, mission expertise, best practices and next-generation capabilities to Life Cycle Supportability Division. Through this contract, we will provide LRED, ARDEC with proven successful support services for logistics engineering and product support analysis of munitions and weapons systems as they are developed.”
“Supporting our national defense and specifically such an important program as LEPSA is a great honor to us. SUBSYSTEMs has a long – quarter century – history of proficiently supporting Army Logistics Engineering programs and our team will proudly bring excellent expertise to fulfill the ARDEC mission,” said Richard Bodson, SUBSYSTEMs President.
Related: SUBSYSTEMs Wins Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center Contract, Subsystem Technologies Inc. Awarded Contract to Support Army’s Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center