Two college of science STEM camps will be held this summer for children at George Mason University in Fairfax.
Both camps, focusing on disciplines in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, will be held July 21-25 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with optional aftercare from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
The first camp, F.O.C.U.S., is a for rising sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade females of color underrepresented in STEM.
The second camp, STEM MANIA, is for rising third-, fourth- and fifth-graders.
Designed by the STEM Accelerator Program at GMU’s College of Science, the camp will expose the students to components of STEM including biology, mathematics, geology, chemistry, engineering, physics, geography, forensic science, design/innovation, STEAM (STEM including arts) and STEM-H,(which adds health).
Padmanabha Seshaiyer, a professor in the mathematical sciences department at GMU who also directs the STEM Accelerator Program, said that the camps will focus on engaging elementary and middle school students in STEM learning experiences through inquiry-based, problem-centered and a hands-on approach.
“…The 25 participants selected in each camp will have the opportunity to not only engage and explore STEM content in a fun way during the week but will also be able to learn about entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity in STEM by interacting with successful members from leading organizations including business, industry and academics,” he said.
Throughout the week, the students will learn how to apply critical thinking methods to fun and creative problem solving activities.
The Leadership and Entrepreneurship component of the camps will give students of the F.O.C.U.S. camp an opportunity to meet successful women who work for leading organizations and/or own their own business. The younger students of STEM MANIA will also meet successful local leaders and/or business owners.
The fee for each camp is $350, with an aftercare option available from 3:30 to 5 p.m. for an additional $100 for the week. During aftercare, students will have access to a computer lab that includes games, simulation, cyber security features and more.
A limited amount of full and partial financial scholarships are available to attend the camps. The scholarship application deadline is April 21.
The camps’ application deadline if not applying for a scholarship is May 5.
Space in the camps is limited to 25 students each.
The camps accept donations. To donate funds to the F.O.C.U.S. or STEM MANIA camp scholarship fund, or to apply to the camps, click here.