Mark Gerencser, Executive Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton, is set to retire June 30 2013, following 31 years of leadership and six terms on the consulting firm’s Board of Directors.
He currently serves as a member of the BiPartisan Policy Center Energy Policy Project and touts experience across energy, environment and transportation sectors.
Gerencser joined Booz Allen Hamilton after college in 1982 and continued to lead the firm’s Commercial Business in addition to advising government, private and non-profit sectors on creating and sustaining megacommunities meant to solve problems in infrastructure development, enhancement and renewal.
The Wall Street Journal in an published last week about Washington, D.C.”s new “gilded age”, describes Gerencser as a car enthusiast who intends to hone his driving skills and hunt pheasants after retiring at the end of this month.
The 52-year-old initially planned to retire in 2012, but postponed his intentions in order to lead the re-emergence of Booz Allen’s commercial consulting business, according to a commencement speech he delivered to University of Maryland, University College (UMUC) graduates in 2012.
Gerencser holds a B.S. electrical engineering degree from Rutgers University and an M.S. degree in technology management from UMUC.