TiE DC, a membership-based organization consisting of the areas top entrepreneurs, has announced its 2012 upcoming events in the Washington, D.C. region.
Tonight, February 27th, 2012, TiE DC is hosting Steve Pearlstein, columnist for The Washington Post, Pultzier Prize Winner, and George Mason University Robinson Professor of Public and International Affairs, at The Tower Club in Tysons Corner, Virginia.
Read his column about the impact of our local technology industry on economic growth here.
Find registration and more information about tonight’s event here.
Upcoming TiE DC Events:
March 7, 2012 –“Successful Exits in a Tough Economy,” Featuring CEO of Aptara, Dev Ganesan
6:00pm – 9:00pm, the Ernst and Young Building, Tysons Corner, Virginia
Mar 22, 2012 – “Why Entrepreneurs Matter More Than Innovators,” Featuring CEO of Gallup and author of “The Coming Jobs War,” Jim Clifton
6:00pm – 9:00pm, DLA Piper, Washington, D.C.
April 4, 2012 – TiE DC/NetSAP Networking Event
Co Co Sala, Washington DC
***Read WashingtonExec’s exclusive interview with Co Co Sala founder Nisha Sidhu here.***
Apr 16, 2012 – “Repositioning GovCon for a New Reality,” Featuring Donna Morea, CEO of ADESSO Group and retired Group President of CGI’s U.S. and India Operations.
6:00pm – 9:00pm Capital One Building, Tysons Corner, Virginia
***Read what area executives are saying about Donna Morea’s retirement from CGI here on WashingtonExec***