The Strategic Relationship Between the Marcoms/Communications Professionals and the Company CFO: Is it a Money Thing? Events July 17, 2012 The WashingtonExec Marcom Committee held its fourth dinner of the year and heard from Iridium chief financial officer (CFO) Tom…
GEOS Emergency Response Available To Iridium Extreme Satellite Phone Customers Information Technology December 7, 2011 Recently, Iridium Communications Inc. announced that the GEOS emergency response service is now available to Iridium Extreme(TM) satellite phone customers,…
Iridium Announces Its New Iridium(R) AxcessPoint Mail & Web App News November 29, 2011 Recently, Iridium Communications Inc. announced that its Iridium(R) AxcessPoint Mail & Web App is now available for Apple operating system…