Ellen Bjork
Head of Marketing and Communications, Riverside Research
Ellen Bjork significantly expanded Riverside Research’s digital visibility and communication both inside and outside the company. Inside the company, Bjork led the creation and launch of a new employee intranet, revolutionizing the way Riverside Research employees communicate. This has been particularly useful for staff scattered across the country and those working at customer sites, as the intranet facilitates the easy sharing of ideas and information, regardless of location.
Outside the company, Bjork oversaw a major revamp of Riverside Research’s corporate website, a key element in the company’s digital transformation. This upgrade notably enhanced the company’s brand, public image and online presence.
Bjork led her team to boost Riverside Research’s social media presence by running online campaigns that highlighted the company’s tech skills and community commitment. These efforts led to a 41% rise in followers and 157% more engagement.
“Our Marketing and Communications team is second to none,” said Dr. Steven Omick, Riverside Research president and CEO. “As a national security nonprofit, Riverside Research has the charter and responsibility to be a technical thought leader and a community service leader in our space and our MarCom team is the centerpoint of this goal. Our team, under Ellen’s leadership, is making a huge contribution within our company and across the DoD and IC.”
Why Watch
Bjork and her team plan to enhance their communication about Riverside Research’s value to the government contracting sector, its clients and the community. They will emphasize the company’s unique strengths in their efforts in 2023 and beyond.
“In our pursuit to create lasting change, we are committed to making Riverside Research a household name in GovCon and among our customers,” she said. “As a nonprofit, our visibility is not simply a reflection of our success, but a driving force for the positive impact we can make on the nation’s most challenging priorities.”