Juliane Gallina has led the efforts to adapt and accelerate the CIA’s digital priorities to meet the needs of its workforce during the pandemic.
“Since we can’t telework, we’re protecting the wellbeing of our workforce by keeping our officers virtually connected, while on the job, to accomplish the agency’s global mission,” she said.
Gallina has defined four strategic priorities for her agency: Enable the Anywhere Enterprise; Accelerate the Cloud Journey; Promote Citizen IT; and Power the Data Revolution.
The “Anywhere Enterprise” aims to connect agency officers anywhere and anytime within their secure networks. “Accelerating our Cloud Journey” is an acknowledgment of the CIA’s partnership with industry to provide a stream of innovation and capabilities to the agency. The CIA’s commitment to promoting “Citizen IT” gives agency officers the tools they need to rapidly build and deploy tactical tools to advance their mission while staying within the best practices of the enterprise. And the “Data Revolution” is a reference to the agency’s reliance on data to accomplish its mission.
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In 2021, Gallina and her team will continue to focus on maintaining operational readiness to ensure the agency is agile and responsive to mission needs.
“I believe the next five years will be transformational for the agency’s IT infrastructure,” she said. “Since assuming my role as CIO, we enhanced our strategic vendor management process and increased our mission engagement, which provided added clarity on the direction of technology at CIA.”