Recognizing the need to take new approaches to stay in front of federal decision-makers, Milo Speranzo spearheaded a multipronged yearlong integrated content, advertising and chief information officer engagement campaign. The digital strategy focused on leveraging a new platform — the interactive FITARA Dashboard.
Speranzo and his team reached a targeted audience focused on federal IT modernization, sharing content and resources. They exceeded planned content visits, impressions and leads generated by more than 300%. He built on these efforts launching new research on Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act metrics and effectiveness, grabbing additional mindshare and a continued platform to share IT modernization best practices.
As the pandemic set in, Speranzo also recognized a sea change within the decision-makers approving stimulus funding. As the country was recovering and the billions of dollars of stimulus and recovery funding began to flow, he noticed a significant trend of business decision-makers, not the traditional IT decision-makers, making more and more procurement decisions in a bubble.
Speranzo immediately refocused his staff to target this audience and completely change the in-market messaging to the IT decision-makers to focus on engaging them with members of their own organizations receiving stimulus dollars.
Why Watch
This fast pivot resulted in record pipeline creation in a time of uncertainty. As he continues through 2020, Speranzo and his team will continue to focus on reaching the lesser-engaged audience and double down on the enablement message to the IT decision-makers.
Read the rest of the Top 25 MarCom Leaders to Watch in 2020 list here.