The Air Force Space Command’s Commercial Satellite Communications Office has awarded E3/Sentinel a 5-year, firmed-fixed task order to help transform the Defense Department’s Commercial Satellite Communications.
Under the contract, which falls within the General Services Administration’s One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Pool 1 Unrestricted category, E3/Sentinel will develop an innovative Enterprise Acquisition Strategy Framework for Commercial Satellite Communications, or COMSATCOM.
And according to E3/Sentinel CEO Andy Maner, this is a big win for the company, and showcases its commitment to bringing innovative, mission-focused solutions to customers.
“This win validates the government’s confidence us, in our people, and in our solutions,” Maner said.
Retired Lt. Gen. J. Kevin McLaughlin, a former deputy commander of U.S. Cyber Command and member of E3/Sentinel’s board of directors, added this effort is a great opportunity for the company to “directly impact the new SATCOM Vision for how the DOD utilizes space-based capability on the battlefield.”