Salient CRGT has been awarded a prime contract to provide application services for the Office of Personnel Management’s Case Processing Branch.
The deal, worth $39.4 million, has a 12-month base period and four 12-month option periods. The Case Processing Office falls under OPM’s National Background Investigations Bureau’s Information Technology Program Management Office.
The Case Processing Office is responsible for development, enhancement, maintenance and production support of OPM’s Personal Investigation Processing System, or PIPS. It houses the Security/Suitability Investigations Index and is used by OPM’s Federal Investigative Services for the automated entry, scheduling, case control and closing of background investigations.
Salient CRGT CEO Tom Ferrando said the company’s support allows the Information Technology Program Management Office to provide PIPS with continuous development and operations support.
“Central to this experience is our 19-year relationship providing systems engineering and integration support for the OPM National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) IT PMO and Personnel Investigations Processing System (PIPS), which processes more than 90% of all federal background investigations today,” he said.