VariQ, which provides cybersecurity, software development and cloud services to government organizations, was recently appraised at a Maturity Level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s new Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development version 2.0.
The designation shows VariQ has met a globally recognized set of best practices aimed at improving performance and critical business processes and developing agile resiliency and scale.
“We are proud to be amongst the first companies in the United States to be appraised with the new CMMI V2.0 model,” said Ben Edson, CEO and founder of VariQ. “In our mission to provide cutting edge technology solutions to the government agencies we serve, VariQ strives to embrace new methodologies and practices designed to enhance quality and performance.”
VariQ is based in Rockville, Maryland, and provides services to more than 20 government organizations.
Related: VariQ CEO Ben Edson Finalist for 2019 Entrepreneur of The Year Mid-Atlantic Award