Peraton, Inc. has been awarded a contract with a $1.8 billion ceiling to provide telemetry, tracking and command services for a set of NASA missions.
The Space Exploration Networks Services and Evolution contract begins July 3 with a 90-day phase in followed by a 5-year ordering period through late 2024 and is for near-Earth missions.
The award is a follow-on to the Space Communications Network Services contract, which Peraton has led since 2011 to support the Exploration and Space Communications Project Division at Goddard Space Flight Center.
“Peraton is deeply committed to being NASA’s key mission partner and we are honored to be entrusted with this critical capability,” said Roger Mason, president of Space, Intelligence and Cyber sector. “For over a decade, NASA has relied on us to deliver critical communications for their highest priority missions – and now with SENSE, to enhance future capabilities for integrated, efficient space communications and navigation services.”
[addthis tool=”addthis_relatedposts_inline_va7y”]Under the SENSE contract, Peraton will perform systems architecture and engineering, development, integration, testing, operations, maintenance and sustaining services for space and ground systems and facilities, which include NASA’s Space Network, Near Earth Network, Satellite Laser Ranging Network, Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network and Electronic Systems Test Laboratory. Officials said the arrangement will help enable new science and exploration.
In addition to work at other locations, sustaining, operations and maintenance services will be performed for ground systems at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, Kennedy Space Center in Florida, White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico, and Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Virginia.
Related: Peraton to Buy Solers, Inc.