TCOM announced March 29 that the company has joined forces with the Maryland Department of Commerce to present at this year’s Avalon Air Show in Geelong, Australia.
The Avalon Air Show is one of the most prestigious aviation and aerospace events in the Southern Hemisphere, with more than 600 exhibitors and 150 delegations. The event is organized by Aerospace Australia Limited, a not-for-profit corporation, whose mission is to promote aviation and the development of Australia’s industrial, manufacturing and information/communications technology resources for aviation, aerospace and defense.
At this year’s show, TCOM exhibited its latest aerostat innovations, displaying two posters focusing on maritime and border security for Australia and Southeast Asia. TCOM showcased the practical applications for ISR with its 28M aerostat, one of its leading Operational Class aerostats, which are for monitoring areas in which ground-based surveillance would be rendered ineffective by domain obstructions or where manned aerial surveillance is deemed too costly.
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