The American Council for Technology – Industry Advisory Council has selected Hewlett Packard Enterprise Client Industry Executive Judith Douglas as chair of the Institute for Innovation Advisory Board.
Former chairman of the advisory board Andrew Robinson and CEO Robbins Gioia made the official announcement at the Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia, on Oct. 28.
“We are approaching the 5-year anniversary of the institute at the same time a new administration will arrive in January,” Robinson said. “This is the right time to establish new leadership to ensure that the institute continues to be a strong advocate for innovation in government. I can’t think of anyone better qualified to lead the organization than Judy Douglas. She is well respected for her extensive leadership experience in ACT-IAC, and she helped establish the institute in 2012.”
“Judy has an impressive career of public, nonprofit and private sector experience focused on effective leadership and innovative uses of information technology to improve government,” IAC Executive Chairman and Veris Group Chief Strategist Dave McClure said. “She is highly regarded in government and industry. Judy works across public and private sector boundaries to find the best ideas and creates effective partnerships. We are fortunate to have her lead the Institute for Innovation at this crucial time.”
ACT-IAC created the Institute for Innovation to provide “an objective, nonpartisan forum for strategic thought leadership to advance government missions through the innovative application and management of information technology.” The institute undertakes projects to address game-changing issues with high strategic impact affecting multiple agencies or programs where government and industry collaboration can improve the outcome.
Recent institute projects include developing recommendations for the next administration on the management and use of information technology and establishing an executive roundtable series to develop and sustain a community of innovators in government.
Related: ACT-IAC Announces Winners of 2016 Igniting Innovation Showcase and Awards