The National Kidney Foundation will host its annual Masquerade Ball from 6:30 p.m. to midnight Nov. 19 at the Washington Hilton.
SAP NS2 President and CEO Mark Testoni will again serve as the event chairman.
“We often hear about heart disease, cancer and other important concerns, but this event is critical to raising awareness because so many are impacted who are unaware,” Testoni said in an interview with WashingtonExec last year. “More than nine percent of adults are walking around with kidney disease and most do not know it,” he adds. Learn more about this year’s Kidney Ball – and why your attendance matters now more than ever.
Funds raised for the Kidney Ball go to support the National Kidney Foundation’s programs and services for kidney patients in the Washington, D.C., area. In the region, more than 700,000 people have kidney disease, 7,000 are on dialysis and 1,700 are awaiting a lifesaving transplant. The business community can lend their resources and expertise to helping charities like the National Kidney Foundation reach their goals.
Click here for more information and to register.
Related: Mark Testoni: Annual Masquerade Kidney Ball Saturday, Oct. 24