It was announced on March 8th by open-source software company, Amida Technology Solutions that it has just released Indaba. Indaba is a collaboration platform designed to assemble distributed knowledge about hard-to-measure concepts like freedom, independence, and corruption. It converts distributed expertise and experience into data sets for analysis, dissemination, and decisions.
Indaba is the first tool that has made dependable and reusable sets of information based on networked knowledge about critical human conditions attainable. It is able to arrange information that is fundamentally subjective into coherent and reliable data.
Peter L. Levin, Co-founder and CEO of Amida stated, “Indaba is a spectacular addition to our data management portfolio. Amida helps customers solve their most challenging data management problems. Now, with Indaba, they can access and manage data that is stored in their most valuable asset of all: their people. Indaba fills the world’s most difficult data gaps in its most challenging places, from development countries to conflict regions, with the knowledge of experts who know.”
Maura O’Neill, former Chief Innovation Officer and Senior Counselor to the Administrator at the U.S. Agency for International Development said, “I know first-hand that data is absolutely critical to moving international development forward, and Indaba has tackled one of the toughest problems: do we know if we are succeeding and if so, how? Before Indaba there was no tool in the market that enabled people from a wide variety of backgrounds to figure out together, in real-time, what really helps make developing countries healthier, more educated, more prosperous, and more secure.”
“One of my greatest challenges in Iraq, and later leading the NATO force in Afghanistan, was how to best commit resources to stabilize operations and support mid- to long-term development,” said John R. Allen, retired Marine Corps General and Amida board member. “Understanding the realities of the environment was essential, but gaining that knowledge was expensive and unreliable. Having now seen Indaba, I wish I’d had this capability in the field. Future commanders will need tools exactly like Indaba to ensure their scarce resources are best applied to create the greatest return.”
“Indaba was originally conceived and incubated in the non-profit and open government community. Amida is proud to offer this completely rebuilt, enterprise-ready, open source platform,” stated Alicia Phillips Mandaville, Amida Vice President and former Chief Strategy Officer at the Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Related: Amida Technology Solutions Releases Seventh Version of its Data Reconciliation Engine, “DRE 2.0.”