It was announced on September 9th by NASA that it has awarded Chantilly, Va.-based Ingenicomm with the five year, $10 million Programmatic and Institutional Knowledge Exchange Services (PIKES) contract.
President and CEO of Ingenicomm, Amit Puri said, “Ingenicomm is widely recognized within the NASA community for our support of numerous critical missions over the past five years. We will now extend that support by providing planning, management, and logistics services, further embracing our commitment to our nation’s civil space agency.”
Ingenicomm will work directly with NASA to provide service, material and personnel needed in all aspects of managing events such as; workshops, agency meetings, peer reviews, etcetera. It was announced by Ingenicomm that it will be opening a new facility in Greenbelt, MD located next to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center where it will be supporting the PIKES program along with other business.
Related: Ingenicomm’s Amit Puri Shares his Secret for Entrepreneurial Success, SECAF Announces Finalists for 7th Annual Government Contractor Awards