National Review chairman and former assistant secretary of state John Hillen published an opinion piece, “On Iran: It’s Not about the Bomb, It’s about the Strategy,” in which he describes what it means, from a strategic perspective, about Iran and Yemen planning 14 direct flights weekly via Mahan Air between the two nations.
Not one trip will be carrying a passenger, Hillen says, but the planes instead serve as a mean for Iran to smuggle in large quantities of sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
Our concerns as a nation, Hillen argues, shouldn’t be about signing arms control agreements with Iran, but instead focus on their geo-strategy.
In just the past five years, Iran has created or consolidated well-armed satrapies from the Turkish border to the Gulf of Aden, and from the Mediterranean and Red Sea to the heart of Afghanistan.
Click here to read the article in its entirety.