Lt. Gen. Mary Legere will keynote the Intelligence and National Security Alliance’s fifth annual Achievement Awards come Nov. 13. Legere is the current Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence of the U.S. Army.
Founded in 2010, the event aims to recognize entry- and mid-level professionals who are succeeding within the intelligence and national security sectors.
“The INSA Achievement Awards offer a unique distinction by recognizing outstanding members of the intelligence and national security workforce who have much of their careers still ahead of them,” said Joseph R. DeTrani, the INSA president ambassador. “It is our pleasure to honor this group of future leaders and the mentors who have guided them. We hope the award recipients and their friends, family members and colleagues enjoy what has become a signature INSA event.”
Like last year, the event is set to take place at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D.C., and the following six achievement awards will be presented:
- Richard J. Kerr Government Award – David Wilson, National Security Agency. For civilian government employees up to and including GS-13/equivalent rank.
- William O. Studeman Military Award – Lt. William Fox, Team Lead – China Maritime Strategy & Plans, Nimitz Operational Intelligence Center, Office of Naval Intelligence. Designated for uniformed military personnel up to and including 0-3/E-6
- Edwin H. Land Industry Award – Joshua Markow, Chief Engineer, Army Programs for Airborne & Terrestrial SIGINT Operating Unit, Northrop Grumman Corporation. Contractors and nongovernment employees with 8-10 years of non-executive experience are eligible
- Joan A. Dempsey Mentorship Award – SSA Amy B. Pittman, Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation. For individuals from public, private and academic elements up to and including GS-15/0-6 and equivalent rank
- John W. Warner Homeland Security Award – IS2 Tyler Sherman, Intelligence Specialist, U.S. Coast Guard. Award will go to first responders and/or candidates from DHS, FBI or other federal, state, local or tribal law-enforcement personnel
- Sidney D. Drell Academic Award — Craig J. Wiener, Principal Consultant for Strategic Planning and Analysis, National Nuclear Security Administration. For graduate students and untenured professors
INSA is accepting nominations until Aug. 15 from individuals within government, academia and the private sector. Last year, WashingtonExec interviewed the award nominees. Read our coverage here.