Industry and government executives will pool heads next month at a two-day conference aimed at identifying ways for government workers to leverage mobility to better execute their jobs.
The event, set to take place Aug. 19 through 20 at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. is the third in a slew of events hosted by the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center (ATARC) to enhance the delivery of government services.
The group and panels will examine four challenge areas: “Mobile App Legal & Acquisition Best Practices,” “Impacts of the Emerging Internet of Things on the Government Enterprise,” “How to Embrace Contextually Aware & Wearable Computing” and “Integrating Mobility Into the Enterprise – Moving Beyond Mobile Application Development (MAD)/Mobile Device Management (MDM).”
Jon Johnson, the program manager for the General Service Administration’s enterprise mobility programs, and Greg Youst, the chief mobility engineer within the Defense Information Systems Agency, will serve as government chairs for the event.
AirWatch Chairman Alan Dabbiere and ATARC Founder Tom Suder will be the event’s industry chairs.
Also on Aug. 19, the MITRE-ATARC Mobile Collaboration Symposium will feature roundtable conversations with mobile subject matter experts discussing four challenge areas: Legal & Acquisition Best Practices; Impacts of Internet of Things on Government Enterprise; Contextually Aware & Wearable Computing; Integrating Mobility into Enterprise.
ATARC’s most recent event brought together industry and government executives on the topic of cloud computing. Read our coverage of the event here.