With global Big Data capabilities dramatically reducing the financial and technical cost of interpreting mass aggregates of data, the need for the technology business and services is only expected to grow.
That’s why the Northern Virginia Technical Council (NVTC) on May 9 is hosting a symposium entitled “The Future of Our Region as a Global Center for Big Data.”
The half-day event is geared at discussing that which primes the Northern Virginia and Potomac region for success as a hub for Big Data analytics: its distinct blend of concentrated data analytics businesses and workers, the fostering by local schools of a STEM pipeline of future data scientists and analysts, the federal government presence and Big Data-related university research initiatives.
NVTC, an area membership and trade association for the technology community, will at the event release a research report highlighting the “the depth and breadth of Big Data experience, expertise and assets of our region,” according to the group.
Technology industry and academic leaders will also present two panels at the event to discuss hypothetical challenges and opportunities for Big Data applications, technologies and analysis.
Attain LLC is the event’s premier sponsor with IBM and SAP serving as kick-off sponsors, CapTech and the GMU Volgenau School of Engineering serving as event sponsors and the George Washington University Virginia Science and Technology Campus serving as the research partner.
Confirmed speakers and panelists include:
Anne Altman, IBM
Greg Baroni, Attain
Philip E. Bourne, National Institutes of Health
Mike Bradshaw, Google
Dr. Donald E. Brown, University of Virginia Data Science Institute
Chris Chmura, Chmura Economics & Analytics
Aneesh Chopra, Hunch Analytics
Dr. Keith Crandall, The George Washington University
Dr. Ali Eskandarian, The George Washington University
Justin Langseth, Zoomdata
Jennifer Morgan, SAP
Gary Shiffman, Giant Oak
Please visit the NVTC website to register for the event set to take place at the NTSB Training Center at the GWU Virginia Science and Technology Campus.