Former CEO of SAIC and BAE Systems, Inc. Walt Havenstein on Wednesday announced that he filed the necessary documents to form a campaign committee to formally enter the race for GOP nomination for governor in New Hampshire, according to a Union Leader report.
The entrance pits him against incumbent Gov. Maggie Hassan (D-Exeter) and candidate Andrew Hemingway who earlier entered the GOP race to challenge Hassan.
Havenstein, who served from 2007-2009 as president and CEO of BAE Systems — a fully-owned subsidiary of BAE Systems, plc, — said Wednesday that he intends to officially announce his candidacy in two weeks, at which time he intends to deliver formal remarks about the campaign.
But according to some, Havenstein could face eligibility challenges to his candidacy.
The Bristol, N.H. native allegedly signed a tax break document for a Maryland condominium declaring that state to be his “principal residence” — a move which would make him ineligible for governorship in New Hampshire.
A political adviser said last week, however, that Maryland law permits Havenstein to classify himself as a “statutory resident” of Maryland for tax purposes while retaining voting privileges in New Hampshire.
Officials are set to review the issue in the coming weeks.
Havenstein said he is grateful for the encouragement he has received in the weeks leading up to his candidacy announcement.
“Our state is at a critical juncture, and I believe my experience, ideas, and leadership are what is needed to address the many challenges facing New Hampshire,” Havenstein said.