The Big Idea CONNECTpreneur Forum will be held Feb. 18 at the Tysons Corner Marriott in Tysons Corner.
CONNECTpreneur is a quarterly networking mashup, which has drawn more than 1,500 business leaders in the past 18 months.Tech 2000 and LORE Systems will present the event. It will run from 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., with a plated breakfast included.
Tien Wong, CEO of Tech 2000, will open the day’s event.
The event will include networking opportunites with an expected 250 business leaders including CEOs and founders; an all-star panel of investors discussing the latest trends in venture capital and angel financing, a showcase of emerging tech companies and a fireside conversation with Duke Chung, founder and CEO of Parature.
Participants on the panel of investors include Tom Scholl, Pascal Luck and Jim Hunt.
To register for the event, click here.