As we turn the page on 2013, we look forward to a new year and new opportunities for innovation and growth in the government contracting community. This past year we experienced budget sequestration, a 16-day-long government shutdown, and a perpetual focus on cyber security and healthcare IT.
WashingtonExec reached out to those most knowledgeable and experienced in the federal contracting space. We asked executives in and around the beltway for insight regarding where they see the government contracting community headed in 2014. Topics discussed include M&A activity, cloud computing, healthcare IT, defense, mobility, and more.
Read the full e-magazine issue here.
Finally, on March 8th, you are invited to attend the inaugural STEM Symposium for the National Capital Region (NCR) at the Nysmith School in Herndon, Va. The all-day event will provide an opportunity for K-12 students to showcase their achievements in STEM, and to facilitate dialogue among key business, education, non-profit and government leaders through real-life applications and presentations about how science, technology, engineering and mathematics impacts our community. And, from an industry leader perspective, professionals will have the opportunity to share their insights with students, inspire students to pursue STEM careers, and gauge the STEM proficiency of their prospective pipeline. Please go to www.stemsymposium.com to register and to find more information.