The Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) will hold the 4th Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony Wednesday, November 13th, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown. The ceremony will honor six young professionals in the intelligence and national security sectors for their professional contributions to the community.
The ceremony’s keynote speaker is Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the event will be held from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., with registration closing November 6th.
WashingtonExec chatted with award recipients about their nominations, what it means to them, their mission and more.
Today’s featured interview is with Lindsay Hovis, Pennsylvania State Police and recipient of the John W. Warner Homeland Security Award.
WashingtonExec: Did you know you were nominated for the award, or was it a surprise?
Lindsay Hovis: It was a complete surprise. I didn’t know anything about the nomination until our director called everyone in the office together and announced it. I was in shock for a day or two afterwards. It didn’t seem real that I had won a national award.
WashingtonExec: Have you prepared a speech, or do you plan on saying the first thing that comes to mind?
Lindsay Hovis: I have been putting some ideas together and plan on having something prepared. I am a very structured and organized person; speaking from the cuff is not my style.
WashingtonExec: How would you describe you mission?
Lindsay Hovis: I support the Pennsylvania State Police in gathering, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence in order to keep our state, and the nation, safer. I work closely with the public and private sector in order to secure the state’s critical assets.
WashingtonExec: Finish the sentence: The best part about my job is…
Lindsay Hovis: The best part about my job is doing something different each day. I never know what might happen on any given day and that helps to keep me sharp and attentive. My unit receives different types of requests all the time that require us to brainstorm, do research, and formulate a plan of action. We are constantly learning new things, working with new partners, and that keeps the job exciting. I really love the challenge of developing information sharing opportunities between the State Police and the private sector to help secure our nation’s critical assets.
WashingtonExec: Could you name an aspect of your job that you did not expect when you were first brought on?
Lindsay Hovis: I didn’t expect to be working with the public and private sectors as much as we do. I was hired as an Intelligence Analyst with the State Police and expected to be working mostly with law enforcement agencies. I was placed in the Critical Infrastructure/Key Resources Unit and really had no idea what that meant. Through the years I have learned the importance of sharing information with those partners because those relationships are absolutely critical to keeping our national and state assets protected. The best way to create safer communities is to have the private sector, community organizations, and public resources working in a coordinated manner.
WashingtonExec: Who is someone you admire? or Who has been a mentor to you throughout your career?
Lindsay Hovis: In my career with the Pennsylvania State Police, Major Andrew Ashmar, our bureau director, and Cathy Baughman, my direct supervisor, have truly been my mentors. They both have pushed me out of my comfort zone and always take the time to listen to my ideas and suggestions. Major Ashmar’s high standards have actually made me a more detail-oriented analyst and a better writer. Cathy’s encouragement and trust in my abilities have made me more confident.
WashingtonExec: What is something you are most proud of, personally?
Lindsay Hovis: I was very proud to earn my master’s degree in criminal justice with a concentration in criminal behavior. I attended classes online while working a full time job as a clerk at a Pennsylvania State Police station in order to pay for graduate school. It was something that I had always wanted to accomplish.
WashingtonExec: What is your favorite intelligence movie or book?
Lindsay Hovis: I am a big Tom Clancy and Ian Fleming fan. Patriot Games and The Sum of all Fears are two of my favorite movies. I love all of the James Bond movies, but Sean Connery is probably my favorite Bond.
Read about last year’s John W. Warner Homeland Security Award winner here.