Tom Suder, President of Mobilegov, is hosting one final showcase this summer: the Federal Mobile Computing Summit. The all-day event will take place at the Ronald Regan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. on July 9th.
The Mobile Computing Summit will examine the post-Digital Government Strategy landscape, and look at how agencies have actually implemented mobility within their organizations. It will also examine the next generation of mobile technology and what lies ahead in Mobile Government.
Over 60 exhibitors are expected to attend, including Apple, BlackBerry, Good Technologies and Samsung.
For more information about the Mobile Computing Summit, click here.
WashingtonExec is a proud media partner and will cover the panel discussions.
The Federal Cloud Computing Summit, held on May 30th, examined how agencies have implemented Cloud solutions within their organizations. It also looked at the Cloud broker model and examined the future of Cloud within the government. Read our recap here.
Interested in learning more about Tom Suder? -Read our featured story: Tom Suder: Man on a Mission.