Over the last few months federal spending cuts, budget restraints and federal contracting’s favorite word, “sequestration,” have been on everyone’s mind. This past week a new word was invented to describe the current budget climate: “snowquester.”
WashingtonExec reached out to area executives in the federal contracting space to share their insights regarding how this uncertain budgetary climate is impacting their customers, business, as well as future initiatives.
Tom Suder, CEO of Mobilegov and recent Fed100 winner gave us his input:
WashingtonExec: How has sequestration impacted your customers?
Tom Suder: New spending has all but stopped. Existing spending has certainly slowed. Uncertainty means most agencies just are not spending money. Once this matter is resolved, the spigots will open again.
WashingtonExec: How has/will sequestration impact your overall business?
Tom Suder: Slight affect. Most spending for mobile is likely to use “end of the year funds,” which should be significant this year. Body shop integrators will be most affected. It will be hard to increase body counts on projects.
I’m not necessarily thinking that this is a bad thing in most cases.
WashingtonExec: What is your personal view of sequestration?
Tom Suder: A good business would never do across the board cuts. You would rather make cuts where it makes sense by eliminating under performing areas/performers.
You could argue that target rich investment areas should receive more funds if that makes sense even in a cost-cutting environment.