New Series: WashingtonExec 2012 Prediction Issue: Execs Speak Out
2012 is fast approaching, and with it comes big changes in the Federal IT industry. WashingtonExec is giving local executives the opportunity to share their thoughts on where they see the government contracting industry headed. Leaders of the industry were asked a series of predictions questions focused on challenging issues such as cloud computing, healthcare IT, defense and so forth.
Today is insight comes from Anne Altman, General Manager for the Public Sector of IBM.
“In 2012, there will continue to be opportunities for innovative companies with ideas to help make governments – be they local, regional or national –operate better and with greater efficiency. Governments can’t keep doing things the way they’ve always done them and expect to succeed, they have to think differently. A recent report by the Technology CEO Council (TCC) demonstrated how the U.S. federal government could save $1 trillion over the next decade if it harnessed proven technology applications from the private sector to green data centers, combine supply chains, attack fraud and abuse with analytics, digitize records managements and “corporatize” certain federal operations.
For IBM and our partners, it’s about creating value through reducing the costs of the government and improving mission outcomes. The growing use of cloud computing by federal and local governments will continue to be an
important trend to help taxpayer dollars go further. Our nation’s cities will apply advances in technology and a better understanding of how systems work to improve transportation, public safety, or other citizen services. And government, healthcare, and educational organizations will use analytics to better understand their data, and improve decision making. All of these efforts can ultimately create efficiencies that will benefit the government and provide new opportunities for the companies serving it.”