Arlington, Va.-based CACI International Inc. announced Nov. 20 it has been awarded a $182 million contract to provide integrated logistics and acquisition support to the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS).
“CACI’s decades of experience supporting acquisition and logistics on key ship programs, along with its breadth of support across the Navy on the SeaPort-e contract, gives us the deep understanding and domain expertise needed to develop an integrated and secure approach to the customer’s operational requirements,” CACI’s Chief Operating Officer and President of U.S. Operations John Mengucci said.
“This award reaffirms CACI’s partnership with the Naval Sea Systems Command and command-supported Program Executive Offices since 1974 and strengthens our position as a prime provider of acquisition and logistics support on large Department of Defense programs,” CACI President and CEO Ken Asbury said. “We will continue to support efficient, cost-saving allocation of military resources to maximize defense readiness and combat sustainability.”
This five-year (one base, plus two option years and two award term years) task order contract was issued under the SeaPort Enhanced (SeaPort-e) vehicle. CACI will develop and manage cross-program and cross-organization policies and practices for the full range of acquisition and integrated logistics support.
PEO IWS delivers solutions for Naval warfare systems in the areas of air defense, missile defense, undersea warfare, anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface warfare within the Fleet and Joint Forces.
SeaPort-e, the largest Naval services contract, is the Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas.
WashingtonExec last covered CACI International when Asbury was honored by D.C. area Boy Scouts in October.