Ed Casey recently transitioned through Serco Group plc to become group Chief Operating Officer, the company announced in a press statement earlier this month, a post he will serve in addition to continuing to serve on the company’s Board.
After leading Serco’s Americas division since 2005, Casey was initially appointed to the company Board last October to serve as Acting Group CEO. On May 1, Rupert Soames, former CEO of Aggreko, was named Serco Group CEO.
Casey’s transition to group COO will ensure the Reston, Va.-headquartered company maintains its continuity in operational leadership, while enabling Soames to ease his way into the business, Serco wrote in a press statement.
“Ed’s leadership has been instrumental in the development and implementation of our comprehensive programme of corporate renewal and the actions necessary for the delivery of excellent public services with openness and transparency, and his taking the role of COO will ensure that this focus continues without pause,” said Alastair Lyons, the non-executive Chairman of Serco Group plc. “ I would like to express huge appreciation for his unstinting commitment as Acting Group Chief Executive.”
Serco provides professional, technology and management services to federal, state and local governments and houses offices worldwide.
The company also welcomed Dan Allen as its new CEO for Serco’s Americas division only six months ago. Read our interview with him here.