The U.S. Senate is relaunching its Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Workforce Caucus and will hold its Inaugural briefing May, 20, 2013. The caucus was originally formed to raise awareness of STEM education and workforce issues, acknowledging that a STEM-trained workforce is vital for economic prosperity, national security and global competitiveness.
The relaunch of the caucus is in part due to a demand for STEM jobs, but a lack of a qualified workforce for such positions. In a 2011 Trends in International Mathematics, and Science (TIIMS) assessment, U.S. 8th graders place 12th in math and 13th in science, performing significantly lower than their peers in other countries. New technology and innovation is driving the demand for STEM related skills. According to Change the Equation, for every unemployed person in the U.S., two STEM jobs are unfilled.
To discuss these issues and more, the caucus briefing will feature a number of speakers related to STEM education and awareness. Steven Pruitt, SVP for Content, Research and Development Achieve, will moderate the briefing. Speakers for the briefing include:
Susan Lavrakas, Director of Workforce Aerospace Industries Association
Ed Swallow, Chair, NDIA STEM Workforce Division
Philip Sadler, Director of Science Education Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
James Brown, Director of STEM Education Coalition
Heather Gonzalez, CRS specialist, Science and Technology Policy
Susan Lavrakas spoke to WashingtonExec about the importance of STEM Education. Click here to read.