CACI International Inc. has won a 5-year task order worth a total estimated value of $1.3 billion to provide communications and IT expertise to U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command.
This work expands CACI’s current relationship with these two 4-star commands, service component commands, and associated staff elements and organizations. The work provides innovative IT solutions and expertise tailored to their missions to execute global multi-domain operations with NATO, allies, and mission partners to prevent conflict and respond in crisis.
“CACI’s proven performance delivering responsive IT and communications in complex, multi-regional OCONUS environments, coupled with our leading-edge technical solutions and accelerators, enhance USEUCOM and USAFRICOM’s rapid response capabilities,” said CACI President and CEO John Mengucci. “We are uniquely positioned to equip the warfighter to successfully execute their missions and enhance communication, collaboration, and coordination with partner nations.”
Under this task order, CACI will modernize and improve critical software and hardware performance, optimize network IT and communications and deliver end-user support for over 11,000 personnel across 60 locations throughout Europe and Africa.
This includes cloud enablement, edge computing, Commercial Solutions for Classified, Joint All Domain Command and Control integration, and implementation of advanced cybersecurity and zero trust solutions.