Tony Azar, senior vice president for healthcare solutions at CACI, has a long history of working within the civilian health care market. During his tenure at General Dynamics, he worked in this arena for customers, including the departments of Veterans Affairs and Health and Human Services. In his current role, he has operational responsibility over the business unit, which provides subject-matter expertise and professional services in the federal health care space. CACI also operates large data warehouses for DOD medical data and the Affordable Care Act for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
“Big data and data analytics are at the heart of creating solutions for some of the large benefits and health challenges facing the federal government,” he says. “Combating waste and abuse, and outcome-based payment models are some examples.”
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CACI’s primary focus will soon be on operational medicine services. “We currently serve all four regular military branches, providing support anywhere our troops are deployed, including forward operational theaters and Navy vessels,” Azar says. “The Defense Health Agency (DHA) is undergoing a major initiative to modernize and replace DOD’s legacy software using a COTS application. Once operational, DHA will need to ensure a smooth transition from legacy to new technology with uninterrupted service. CACI will play a significant role in making that happen, as we have expertise in both environments and extensive experience in theater.”