Thank you to our members who made it out for our kickoff event with speaker Jerry Calhoun, SVP of Human Capital at Vencore, earlier this month.
Calhoun highlighted how performance reviews and clear communication are two important ways to continuously link job roles to the mission. “I think doing regular performance reviews is really important because people know they are working hard but they are not hearing a lot of feedback. It’s a classic mistake for managers to get busy and not want to spend time on this task, but that can lead to people feeling unsatisfied in a job.”
He encouraged the group to meet regularly with their managers to ensure transparency of expectations through open communication. “People get dissatisfied if they’re not happy in the job they’re doing or getting the feedback they need or don’t understand why a company is going in a particular direction.”
Jerry also spoke upon expectations of the future workforce. “They are focused on the meaningful work that they do every day and are at ease with communication—they have no problem being connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but they want to be able to be mobile, and they don’t want to be in an office all the time. They also want to have managers and bosses who work cooperatively with them and create an environment where they can share ideas with the rest of the workforce. That is the workforce of the future, and we must build on it if we are going to be successful in the contracting industry.”
What do you think? Share your thoughts by email or on Twitter!