Meg Carstens Smith
Director of NASA Growth & Strategy, Aeyon
Meg Carstens Smith is incredibly proud of the work Aeyon’s NASA team has done in winning and executing two agencywide prime contracts run out of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville.
Aeyon provides critical scheduling, earned value management, cost estimating and risk management analysis to spaceflight programs, science projects and institutional offices across NASA centers. Its employees help NASA stay on-schedule and on-budget, which brings value for taxpayers and advances human knowledge and understanding. And Aeyon engineers support complex and highly technical elements of major programs like the Space Launch System, Human Landing System, Orion, Gateway and the International Space Station.
“It’s amazing to play even a small part in these endeavors!” Smith said.
Aeyon Chief Growth Officer Pat Collins said, “Meg has been an exemplary senior executive, demonstrating exceptional leadership and vision in driving our organization’s growth. Her unwavering commitment to excellence is evident in the outstanding achievements of Aeyon’s NASA team. We are incredibly fortunate to have Meg leading our efforts and contributing to the growth and success of both Aeyon and the Huntsville community.”
Why Watch
Smith’s team is focused on key opportunities at NASA to support the agency through Artemis II, the first crewed mission to lunar orbit, and beyond. Following Aeyon’s 2022 acquisition of Huntsville-based Manufacturing Technical Solutions, the team is eager to showcase how its combined strengths in data analytics and process automation can enhance its work in this sector.
“My tenure supporting the MSFC Small Business Executive Leadership Team (SBELT) as the events coordinator for the past four years has been a rewarding way to get to know the industry community that supports NASA and discuss topics of interest to small and large companies in aerospace and defense,” Smith said. “Huntsville is a growing, dynamic place to do business, and it’s helpful to collaborate in our approach to workforce challenges and business best practices.”
Fun fact: “My father is a proud retired NASA civil servant,” Smith said. “As a Huntsville native who moved away and travelled extensively, it’s great to be back supporting the work and the people of the Rocket City!”