Daryl Sng
Principal Director of Sustainability, North America Public Service, Accenture
Daryl Sng recently worked with various state agencies to successfully pursue federal funding and implement the Inflation Reduction Act grant programs. He helped agencies and nonprofits build the people, technology capabilities and processes needed to handle the sudden influx of funding in a way that is compliant but also effective in achieving their climate and environmental goals.
“I’m also very proud of working with state governments to develop and write their climate action, zero waste and other sustainability plans,” Sng said.
John Rhoads, managing director of Built Environment Operational Technology for Accenture Sustainability, said, “Daryl is our go-to person for bringing together relevant public and private sector entities to access federal funds and create the foundation to deliver large-scale change to decarbonize our economy.”
Why Watch
In 2024, Sng’s team is heavily focused on supporting Accenture’s clients with clean energy transition, decarbonization and environmental justice, particularly through Inflation Reduction Act programs such as the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant, the Home Energy Rebate programs, and the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund programs (such as Solar for All and the National Clean Investment Fund).
They’re also focused on transforming how governments digitize their climate and other environmental data, so they can access that data quickly, use it to generate insights for decision making, and provide actionable data to external stakeholders and the public, including through specialized GenAI models.
“The last year has seen so much change in climate and government ⏤ the Inflation Reduction Act’s funding is flowing out including to the states and has the power to transform and decarbonize all sectors of the economy, whether it’s power generation, transportation, industry, agriculture or the buildings we work and live in,” Sng said. “I love having the opportunity to help decarbonize in ways that grow green jobs in America and bring benefits to all communities. The federal government and state and local governments also need the technology and data capabilities to achieve their climate and environment ambitions ⏤ I’ve seen the power of transforming climate and environmental data and information systems in government agencies.”
Fun fact: Sng once won a game show, “Singapore’s Brainiest Scholar,” back in Singapore. His friend asked him to come along to the auditions for company and he ended up signing up as well and winning the whole thing. The show was canceled after one season, so he’s still the reigning champion by default.