Fred Avila
Vice President of Pricing Solutions, HII Mission Technologies
Fred Avila is the vice president of pricing solutions at HII’s Mission Technologies division, which reported $2.7 billion in revenues in 2023 — a 13% increase over 2022. Mission Technologies now accounts for nearly 25% of HII’s revenues.
“Fred is an exceptional vice president, leader, mentor, coach and colleague,” said Rich Fisne, Mission Technologies’ senior vice president of contracts. “His judgment, business acumen and ability to lead a team of outstanding professionals is evidenced by the double-digit top-line growth HII Mission Technologies achieved in 2023. Along with a high volume of proposals to price, Avila grew his team both through new hires and by unifying disparate pricing teams across the division while achieving a zero percent attrition rate.”
Why Watch
Avila consistently provides high-level “strategic pricing” and “price to win” focus across the division. His critical pricing methodologies allow senior leaders to choose from a multitude of options in driving and winning major opportunities. He’s highly admired and relied upon for his outstanding leadership, institutional knowledge and industry relationships.
Over the past year, Avila was selected as a co-leader for the newly created WashingtonExec Pricing Council. Avila embraces, respects and lives HII core values and is a respected role model within the pricing community.
“I am so grateful to be able to lead the Mission Technologies pricing solutions team,” he said. “We have such a diverse and talented team focused on providing customers with compelling, price-differentiated proposals that support critical mission programs.”