The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, awarded a multiple-award task order prime contract to Amentum and five other awardees.
Awardees will provide temporary power generation solutions to help Puerto Rico with the infrastructure modernization of its power system. Several storms and an earthquake in recent years have left Puerto Rico’s power grid in delicate condition.
“Amentum will use our engineering expertise to design and implement power generation solutions to solve the short-term needs of the island through this contract,” said Karl Spinnenweber, president of Amentum’s critical missions business group.
“The expanded support to the Army Corps of Engineers leverages our infrastructure modernization capabilities to ensure continuous, reliable power to the people of Puerto Rico during this transition.”
Task order work includes providing temporary power augmentation, such as land-based generating units, temporary transformers, control cabling and installation of equipment. Work will also include operation of equipment, including maintenance, fuel, and coordination with applicable authorities and connections to their equipment.
Task orders may also include repairing and replacing components of existing transmission and distribution facilities.
“We look forward to generating emergency power augmentation as a premier partner to the Army Corps of Engineers and collaborating with the Puerto Rico Electric & Power Authority to help stabilize power for the Puerto Rico community,” said Rob Tillery, senior vice president, operations.
“We also hope to work with local suppliers as part of our approach to support this critical infrastructure project,” Tillery said.
Task orders under this contract will be competed with a maximum combined capacity of $5 billion and have a 5-year ordering period.