On Nov. 8, Maximus President and CEO Bruce Caswell will be honored with the 2023 Technology Good Scout Award by the National Capital Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. In advance of the event, we spoke with him about the recognition.
What does it mean to you to be honored with the Technology Good Scout Award?
It’s quite an unexpected honor. The National Capital Area Council has played a vital role in the lives of so many young people in the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan region. Technology dominates practically every facet of our lives, so I’m humbled to be recognized for my efforts in an area that is near and dear to me: bringing technology solutions to our government customers, helping them to achieve their missions and supporting our employees so they can deliver great results and build their own careers.
How do you connect with the work and mission of the NCAC?
“Delivering on the mission” is central to what we do for governments across the globe, so it’s easy to connect with a mission-driven organization like NCAC. Everything about the work and mission of NCAC is focused on developing the values of young men and women as they enter adulthood. That emphasis on strong values, and values-based leadership, has always resonated with me.
One aspect of NCAC that I really connect with is the importance of inclusiveness and social justice. I am keenly aware how important that is, both for Maximus, our employees as well as our society.
What has been NCAC’s most impactful work recently?
I am impressed with NCAC’s commitment to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education. NCAC has the largest footprint of STEM Scouting in the United States after it adopted the STEM Scouts program following its discontinuation as a national program.
It’s been exciting to watch the program develop, with classes split up between grades 3-5, grades 6-8 and grades 9-12. The curriculum is designed to be immersive and hands-on while inspiring teamwork and problem-solving.
Over the past year, NCAC had more than 1,000 scouts involved in the program. Hopefully, one day, some of these scouts will join Maximus as a step in their career journey.
How does the NCAC mission match your leadership style as Maximus CEO?
First, both organizations share a commitment to the public good. Maximus handles more citizen interactions on behalf of federal and state government than any other company in the country. Our tagline is “Moving People Forward” because so much of our work is using technology so agencies can deliver better services to constituents. Our success is measured by the quality of the services we provide our customers and the trust they build with citizens who rely on those services every day.
Second, the traits of “transparency, integrity and honesty” are central to both organizations. Putting the needs of your customer front and center is made possible by building trusted relationships. Trust is built through transparency, integrity and honesty. We can’t help our customers achieve their missions without their complete faith in our ability to deliver.
Those three traits serve us well not only in our work, but in all facets of life. The Boy Scouts do a tremendous job of instilling the importance of those traits into their members.
What advice would you give today’s youth interested in technology for a career?
Always be curious and always ask questions. By its very nature, technology is always evolving. What’s innovative today could be obsolete tomorrow. The thirst for knowledge and its practical application is a common trait I see among our technology leaders at Maximus. They are constantly looking for new ways to implement technology to optimize government’s ability to deliver essential services.
I encourage today’s youth to try different things when it comes to technology, and how they want to be involved with it as a career. The breadth of opportunity is so expansive, and the needs so significant, that a love of technology can take your career in many different directions.
For some, the thrill is in protecting data and fighting against adversaries, which means a career in cybersecurity. For others, the excitement comes from the emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence, and figuring out what’s possible tomorrow that seems impossible today. Most importantly, of course, is to find your passion and that will drive and sustain you.