Laura Prietula
Deputy Chief Information Officer, Electronic Health Record Modernization Integration Office, Department of Veterans Affairs
“My biggest recent achievement was balancing my health, love of learning, and commitment to our nation’s veterans all with the same level of energy and zeal they deserve,” said Laura Prietula. “I have now been cancer free for over 18 months and will hopefully achieve full remission in 3 years.”
Although Prietula is still undergoing treatment, she is thankful she can continue to do things she loves, including serving veterans, coaching executives, mentoring rising leaders and pursuing her passion for learning.
“At the end of 2022, after three years, through COVID, my battle with breast cancer, and taking on a new role at work, I completed my doctoral studies in “Leadership and Learning in Organizations” from Vanderbilt University,” she added. “My parents taught me that the only inheritance that can’t ever be taken away from me is my education.”
Prietula has held various roles in her career, with her latest position being at the Department of Veterans Affairs. As deputy CIO of the Electronic Health Record Modernization Integration Office, she leads the technical development and deployment of a modernized EHR to enhance the delivery of quality health care to veterans.
Why Watch
In 2023, Prietula and her team are heavily focused on modernizing America’s largest integrated health care system, providing care at 1,298 health care facilities, including 171 medical centers and 1,113 outpatient sites of care, serving over 9 million veterans each year. This is the largest technology transformation ever in the history of VA.
Ultimately, they are striving to fulfill their sacred obligation to serve those in uniform and President Lincoln’s promise: “To care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.”