Winston Beauchamp
Deputy Chief Information Officer, Department of the Air Force
The future fight requires a digital foundation the nation’s warfighters can rely on, now and in the future. As the Department of the Air Force deputy chief information officer, Winston Beauchamp is working on making changes in the IT enterprise to deliver capabilities to the warfighter quicker.
Beauchamp has elevated the profile of enterprise IT in the Air Force by linking digital modernization initiatives to improved mission performance and reduced cybersecurity risk in a near-peer conflict.
In the past year, he led the Secretary of the Air Force’s Management Initiative #5 to identify high return on investment opportunities across business and enterprise systems. He also spearheaded the development of the Program Objectives Memorandum submission for the department’s enterprise IT portfolio, which formed the basis for the IT investments for mission systems and cybersecurity in the SecAF’s Operational Imperatives.
“These combined efforts resulted in significant investments into the portfolio,” Beauchamp said. “Through DAF contributions to DOD-wide initiatives such as zero trust and Joint All-Domain Command and Control, major acquisition programs like CloudOne and Enterprise IT as a Service, or focused efforts to improve capabilities for mobile users at multiple security levels, we are accelerating IT transformation across the Department.”
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Beauchamp wants to improve the user experience and warfighter effectiveness in 2023 to gain a competitive advantage in the future. To achieve this, he plans to scale partnerships with the enterprise and industry as everything is increasingly interconnected.
“Winston is my trusted partner in leading the office of the DAF CIO and is widely known to be a powerful voice for change in the Department,” said Air Force Department CIO Lauren Knausenberger. “Our cybersecurity and our enterprise architecture are stronger due to his leadership and technical acumen.”