Mark Van Andel
Vice President, Environmental, Social & Governance, Parsons Corp.
After joining Parsons in 2022 and establishing the ESG team, Mark Van Andel’s focus has been on understanding where Parsons is on its journey and building the internal network needed to get where it wants to be. Key milestones included the release of enhanced ESG disclosures, joining the UN Global Compact and the release of its first Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures report.
“In the short time that he has been here, Mark has made a tremendous impact,” said Wendy Van Wickle, chief business operations officer at Parsons. “He has transformed our ESG program and charted the path for Parsons to be on the leading edge of ESG commitments.”
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For the first half of 2023, Van Andel and his team are focused on increasing the transparency and quality of disclosures to better communicate Parsons’ story and the work it does for its clients. Delivering revised reporting will help external stakeholders view Parsons the way it does internally: as a global leader in sustainability.
Mid-year, having established where Parsons is, Van Andel and his team will start focusing on where Parsons wants to be as an ESG leader and how it is going to get there. They will also complete an updated materiality assessment, which will help prioritize efforts and deliver a new ESG strategy in 2024.
“I’m very excited about our evolving climate strategy and how each milestone strengthens Parsons’ position as a global leader for ESG and helps us identify new opportunities to address the climate crisis through our corporate initiatives and our projects,” Van Andel said.