Deborah Goldstock Ringel
General Counsel, Secretary & Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, Accenture Federal Services
When Deborah Goldstock Ringel came into her new position March 1, 2020, she quickly found herself facing the dual challenges of leading during a pandemic and addressing the social justice issues confronting the nation within her own company.
“The challenge was to handle both of these crises at the same time,” she said. “How do you provide a space to encourage conversation and ensure people are seen and heard when you can’t be in the same room?”
Goldstock Ringel led with empathy, including hosting virtual listening sessions to encourage open dialogue, sharing her personal commitment to racial equity and joining the firm’s newly created inclusion and diversity leadership council. She evolved the firm’s approach by enhancing process transparency, providing relevant training for her team and establishing open door talking sessions to increase trust.
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For Goldstock Ringel, 2020 was a year of leading through unforeseen challenges. She said she is proud to be a part of a leadership team focused on “making change matter” for clients and Accenture Federal Services. In 2021, the emphasis is anticipated to be on cyber, data and supply chain security, where Goldstock Ringel is shepherding initiatives to advance education and strengthen processes in user-friendly ways.
“We call it ‘driving enthusiastic compliance,’” she said.